Thursday, March 27, 2008

The road back to Brooklyn

I first want to thank everyone whom took the time to read through my scattered thoughts and random snap shots of dishes from Hawaii. It was overall the trip I never imagined in my lifetime. I met so many wonderful people and saw so many beautiful places. If anyone has an opportunity to go and visit Hawaii GO, GO, GO, GO!!!!!! I want to thank everyone at Haiilimaile General Store, The Blossoming Lotus, Mikey @ Kauai Int'l Hostel, The Rainbow End Hostel, Ryan our traveling hitchhiker, the guest of Mangolani, Napa Valley, Sonoma Valley, Mai-lei, Gustavo and city of Fresco. There were a few places I had the opportunity to eat at however they never made the blog. The Fish Market (freshest fish on the island), Flatbread Pizza ( really good local organic pizza), There is a gelato spot across the street from Fish Market (a must stop! enjoy..try the Pistachio!!!!) I've been back in NY for 2 weeks, and well.... what the hell do I do now? Life has me guessing and freaking out about where to take the new skills learned and where to go for the new skills I desire. I have made a decision about one thing.... Personal Chef Services! What do you guys think? I am fumbling around with the idea but I really feel this is the way to go and now this is where I am stuck. I need a name! I am putting it out to you all, "What would you name your business?" I am additionally requesting your opinion on a few names that came up for me... you be the judge and rate your favorites: A) Grilled Cheese Catering B) Breadfruit Catering C) Green Table Catering D) Knife and Fork Catering E) Salt and Pepper Catering F) Local Food Catering I love your support and know ya'll will help me with a name that is fitting to my beliefs, and the food I enjoying making. Stay Tuned for more photos of Hawaii and more project green table updates! Peace! Peace! Peace! PS... A special thank you to Harvey whom made the journey to visit. I had a unforgettable trip with you. MAHALO!


Anonymous said...

I like green table best from your list. Sounds healthy.

How about a play on words
Barr Foods
Barr Catering
Raise the Barr Catering


Anonymous said...

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